I love the fit of this dress. My daughter will be 7 in July so I bought a size 8. I bought the dress as one of her church dresses. It's lightweight with lightweight lining. The dress falls just below the knee for a perfect fit. The dress has no fasteners or buttons and is worn directly over the head. I thought the lack of mounts would be a problem, but it's not. The bodice fits very well too. My daughter was closer to a size 7/8 which gave her room to grow meaning that after a year the dress fits perfectly and there is no room to grow. So the size 8 didn't seem too big but still had room for a while. There are no belt loops to keep the belt/sash in place which wasn't a problem when worn. The blue sash/belt is a slightly lighter shade of navy than the navy pattern on the dress. I thought these details would spoil the whole picture, but they aren't. The dress is very delicate and appropriate to the girl's age. Very pretty!
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