It's okay. I thought all male and female questions would be fun and interesting, but this one just didn't seem to hit the mark. How it works, you have 3 dice. One is numeric and tells you how many squares to move, another dictates the type of question you will answer, and the last die determines whether the question you answer is male or female. It appears to have been hastily put together. There were several male questions playing clips from Love Actually and other romantic films. Most of the questions from the women on the cards seemed to come from Desperate Housewives, which is kind of a dated show at this point. I realize this is more of a women's show, but they could at least expand and choose a few other shows to base their questions on. is the normal version of the scene. It's not well thought out or even that well put together. The whole twist of boys versus girls isn't even that fun in the game because it doesn't pit male players against female players, it just asks questions that they think are female or male oriented.
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50 Review
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24 Review
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19 Review
Windward: покорите небеса с помощью этой стратегической настольной игры для 1–5 игроков
12 Review