The only Switch Mini Dock I've seen claims full GameCube adapter compatibility and delivers. If you use it with a switch, you need a charger for the switch. However, many people reported that other mini docks could not support HDMI output and GameCube controller at the same time even when connected to the original charger. This dock does not have this problem. I could play with it for hours using the Gamecube adapter with full vibration support. I highly recommend it to people who want to take their docking station with them to play in different places. The only downside for some hardcore musicians is that it only has two USB ports. This means that the Gamecube controller with vibration is not fully supported at the same time as a wired internet connection. That means I wouldn't use it as a full replacement for a docking station, but if I'm carrying it around with a pocket projector and don't need wired internet access (WiFi still works, so it's not a problem for people who just use WiFi) it is no problem. You can use other devices without an external charging source, but this will drain your phone's battery pretty quickly. I bought it for my Switch but now I use it for my phone too. This made media viewing much more convenient. I highly recommend it.