Very basic belt but seems sturdy/well made, right price, just what I was looking for. I bought one to make sure I like it and fit properly. Check. Then I bought three more belts in a different color. When they arrived I quickly realized there was a problem. Although they were all sold as 'Large' and all marked 'Large' on their packaging, one of the straps was two inches too long (too big for my waist). I contacted the seller (Gelante) through Revain to let him know about the problem and he responded within half an hour saying he would replace the wrong size belt I received. 45 inches right? We will double check our stock. These belts come in a box of 200 per box and we sell tons of one box per month so there could be a packaging error. The new order comes out tomorrow. "If there are any issues I will come back and edit this review but other than that I think this is a 5 star product sold with 5 star customer service!