If you have any outdoor gear with a carburetor, you probably know it's clogged and needs cleaning. I've seen little engine mechanics use these tiny cleaning needles and I knew I had to have them. I'm very confident in my abilities but I need the right tools. The manufacturer has included many needle cleaners of various sizes along with brushes to remove debris. For the money you can save in the long run, this is a bargain!
Gaming chair COUGAR Armor ONE, upholstery: imitation leather, color: black
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72 PCS PSLER Mix Color Spoke Skins For Motorcycle, Bike, Wheelchair & Baby Carriage - Spoke Covers For Decoration, Protection & Pipe Wraps With Packing Box
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Electric toothbrush Oral-B Pro 1 - 790 DUO, black
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ACDelco GM Original Equipment 10-9243 Dexron VI Full Synthetic Auto Transmission Fluid - 1 qt: Top-Quality Performance for Your Vehicle
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