I had high hopes for SOFMUO, but I was let down by their limited stock of infant apparel and footwear. The quality is poor, and the designs are uninteresting and antiquated. It's clear that they haven't updated their clothes line since the 1990s. The shoes they sell are just as uninspiring, and they don't provide any cushioning for children's feet. The jewelry they sell is also ridiculous; it seems like it was designed for a playset. Their poor quality of service was the final straw for me. Their return policy is murky at best and shipping durations can be absurd. And good luck contacting their customer service department; they appear to have taken refuge in a cave. For the most part, SOFMUO is not the place to go if you want trendy, high-quality infant apparel and footwear. Avoid the hassle and search elsewhere online for more up-to-date and fashionable alternatives.