They are bright colors and wanted to give them to my granddaughter for Christmas. She is 14-16 years old and I ordered 12-13 years old. I've tried stretching them, they're cheap, the fabric turns white meaning it doesn't stretch much to the fabric. I was very disappointed because I also bought matching tops for all three pairs. It really annoys me that almost everything they sell including clothes is Asian sizing. Revain needs to change something or I will delete my account. I'm still waiting on a table on the floor/bed that NEVER arrived but said it did. I've spoken to CS and also contacted UPS and in many cases when they don't have enough supplies in the area they box them up and USPS ships them out. They left packages on our porch and they were taken away. I'm tired of people taking things I bought with my only source of income, an SSD, so it's easier for me to shop online, but not worth the hassle if you don't get what you pay for and no get refund for it being stolen!
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