I ordered the small one for my daughter first because I think I read some of the reviews wrong and for some reason thought it was a bit big (she is tall, thin, 6 years old ). Definitely NOT big. It barely covered her bottom and her waist was above her navel. I ordered a medium size 8-10 and received it today and it fits MUCH better. It's a bit big but the length is right and the belt fits perfectly (it ties so it's easy to adjust). The quality is what you would expect from a store bought costume and the price at almost $35 is a bit high for a cheaper small size replacement but my daughter wanted Wonder Woman so I reordered it. Just a warning by ordering both suits. small and medium I found the main disadvantage in the connection. The toddler headband is very large and soft (same foam material as belts and armbands) with firm elastic. It fits my 6 year old perfectly and looks good. The headband for a medium size is tiny made of a different material (not soft and has a smaller WW logo) and the elastic is velcro and light and an inch too short to fit my daughter's head even with the elastic is stretched. They are obviously upside down in size, I don't know why. I returned the small one along with the small suit and left the big one for the bigger suit, it seemed logical. If someone orders the small one I returned, they need a smaller headband. A large one would be too big for a 3 year old. My other issue with that, and this is my personal sophistry as a WW fan, is that the armbands are silver. Her armbands were gold, like the tiara, sash, and lasso of truth, so I don't see why they didn't just make them out of the same material as the sash and headband. Gold. I can try to find a way to color them or find some gold tape to cover them. My daughter in particular loved the costume and wore it all night capturing me the villain who got her kitten and it seemed to get up. to play pretty well. I'm pretty sure she'll have a lot of fun with this after Halloween.
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