My daughter had just started dancing and needed ballet flats. She loves it. They are comfortable for her and we haven't had any problems with them. It has very high arches and fits her particularly well because the straps are adjustable. She usually wears a size 2 but I measured her foot and it was 20 centimeters so I chose size 1 according to the size chart and they fit her perfectly. Measure your child's foot! Size 2 would be too big for her. My only complaint is that they faded very quickly. She only wore them in the studio during class for about 3 hours total and they already look pretty gray instead of pink. I hope they survive the machine wash as there are no care instructions and the fabric is not wipeable and needs to be washed before performing.
Capezio Girls 3800 Mary Jane Tap Shoe in Caramel - Size 11.5 M Toddlers
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