What I like best about this software is that it doesn't take much effort with formatting documents compared what Adobe does, because they have complicated stuffs for making your text easy-to read in PDF reports such as bullet points or lists of items etc., whereas using TexStudio there isn't too hard if you know how use LaTeX formatting language (that's not very difficult).What could be something bad would maybe be their website - which can seem messy at first glance due lackings information/details available when logging onto them; but once logged into texs2udios site everything seems okay so far apart from my last posting comment above regarding font size options where perhaps those details are hidden away somewhere? Maybe another option will show these fonts up upon selecting any new word document within Text Studio instead having one make an account just before hand for viewing more user friendly interface! Also some templates provided by TEXSUDO do look rather old fashioned eversince now we only want modernised designs, something I like that it is easy to use, and it has everything you need for writing papers. It's also very intuitive, and I'm able to get right into the flow of writing without having to learn a new program. I dislike that sometimes it will freeze when I try to do certain things, but this seems to be getting better. I would recommend this because it can help students write their papers, and it makes it easier to keep up with all deadlines.