I was concerned the seat might fall off based on other reviews but honestly all you have to do is tighten it properly. Yes it may start to sink but honestly all you have to do is tighten the screw a little. If you tighten it all the way, it's impossible to squeeze no matter how much you ride. You have to tighten it so tight that it's almost impossible to push on the locking bar. If it takes all your strength, you did the right thing. On the other hand, the fact that you have to put in so much effort to fix it properly is definitely problematic. But don't worry, it works perfectly and won't sink. Also make sure you follow the installation instructions and keep those instructions nearby or remember them as I uninstalled and reinstalled a few months later and then forgot the step and did some damage. Not enough to break it or render it unusable, but I left a good dent. If I had done more damage, I certainly could have ruined it. Either way, it's a fantastic addition to a scooter. In times of Covid when you can't eat out, this thing actually gives you a 'portable seat'. Fantastic for waiting outside for food or curbside service. I sat well and ate ice cream in the heat. If I stop at a red light, I take a seat. Sometimes I sit the whole ride. It is great. This increases the folding time and the weight of the scooter. In this case, I uninstalled it for good, only to reinstall it once my girlfriend decides to use it in the future. However, I loved it when it was installed and it makes riding a scooter a lot, MUCH easier. Make sure you think about it before ordering it because of these issues. If you have to fold and carry your scooter a lot, don't buy one. If your scooter is in your trunk or van and it's for the beach or whatever and you're just lounging around and using it somewhere relatively safe, then by all means buy one.
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