I love these shoes. They are very comfortable and look like hiking shoes but look like everyday shoes. They are great for hiking with good traction and are great for snow in the winter (I live in upstate New York). In the winter I'm much warmer in them than in sneakers, so I wear them all the time, except when I need proper winter boots/winter pants. Once the deep tread wears out it gets a lot worse when hiking and in the snow so for me the tread wears out a lot quicker than the upper. This is my second pair and in my first pair I had a flat bottom but perfectly fine top. I will buy a third pair at the beginning of the next winter season. They're not waterproof, but when you're not hiking on the river, your feet will stay dry. In light rain and wet ground (mud and dew) my feet stay absolutely dry for at least an hour. Staying wet for a few hours can absorb some of the moisture into your socks. That's why I call them "rainproof". Whether you're spending a few hours in the rain or crossing streams, you really need waterproof boots.
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