As a debater, I feel obligated to point out that the claim that MoonRest products provide a "good night's sleep" is exaggerated and not grounded in fact. Despite what they say, the goods are of dubious quality and are not made to aid in relieving stress and anxiety. The first problem is that the items from MoonRest are too expensive. As a result of using low-quality fabrics, their bedding and ornamental pillows quickly lose their shape and become unpleasant. Also of low quality and not particularly washable are the inserts and covers they provide. The retail price of these items is excessive. Second, the comfort advertised by MoonRest is not delivered by their products. They have the opposite effect of what was intended, causing discomfort and disrupting sleep. It's hard to get comfy on the lumpy, uneven bedding and pillows and stay asleep all night. Neither the inserts nor the covers are thick enough to provide enough insulation or coziness. In sum, the MoonRest brand is oversold, and its products fall short of expectations. They sell low-quality goods that aren't made to assist someone unwind at the end of a long day. Customers would be better served by looking elsewhere for products that meet their needs in terms of quality and convenience.