Long chose between Xbox and PS. I came to the conclusion that in fact there is no difference between them (there are only mutually compensating + and -). The only difference is the price. In this regard, the Xbox pleasantly pleases (especially if you order it from abroad: I took it for only 7200 - and this is a model with 250 GB). If we talk about the console itself, then the thing is quite stylish, compact and functional. Playing on it is much more pleasant and convenient than on a regular computer. Of course, at first the joystick didn’t really want to be friends with me, but then the habit took its toll and now I don’t feel discomfort even when playing shooters. Of course, on the one hand, the mouse and keyboard allow you to do everything more accurately, but playing on the couch in front of a large TV is not comparable to playing, hunched over at the monitor. The Xbox, like the PS3, has a rather big drawback - the price of games. I make pretty good money, but I try to be economical in everything, so the difference in price between PC games and console games just kills me.