I like how dynamic it is - its easy to create pages with different information as well as change functionality easily! It could be improved by adding more content types or making some features easier to use/customise (additional templates are confusing). I also don't appreciate that there's no way of customising the layout. Its very difficult for users who have never used any lms before because there isn't too much help documentation out in public domain. For people who know what they're doing though, it doesnt make life too hard but its not something you can customise without knowing html code. Use this at your own risk. It definitely helps me teach online courses effectively. I like the fact that it is very easy to use and navigate. I also like the fact that it is very customizable. I dislike the fact that I have to pay for each course that I want to use. I think that it is worth the cost for the amount of courses that you can use. I have been able to create courses and trainings for my organization. I have also been able to create a way for my organization to be able to train their employees.