My son wears size 6.5 shoes. I ordered size 8.5 shoes based on feedback from others that the size is too small and they are still too small. Even if the shoes were long enough they would never fit because they are also ridiculously tight. They're about an inch wide, to be honest. They look like what you would dress a doll. The skin and general appearance are fine, but it doesn't matter. You are useless. I have attached an image. The other shoe is a size 6 Converse.
Capezio Girls 3800 Mary Jane Tap Shoe in Caramel - Size 11.5 M Toddlers
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Dance in Style with Molly Jane Tap Shoes: Unisex-Child Mary Flats
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Stylish and Comfortable pediped Flex Estella Mary Jane Shoes for Toddlers and Little Kids
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Flexible Comfort: pediped Flex Isabella Mary Jane for Toddlers and Little Kids
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