I bought this bag to replace a 12 liter bag I had for a long time. I commute to work and need enough space for small items, mainly sunglasses, phone, wallet, gloves, ID card, padlock. When I need to carry something like lunch or bulkier items I usually have plenty of room by expanding the bag to its maximum capacity. This is a flat bag with very strong magnets and a soft material that does not affect the surface of the tank. What I really like is the red interior. This makes it easier to find small items in contrast to the black interior. Inner side mesh pockets are a great place to store small items that get lost in pockets, such as flash drives, pens, accessory tools, etc. A very well designed pocket. If you carry a lot, consider the next size up. The only small problem is opening the bag - sometimes it hangs briefly where the seam curves along the contour. It could just be my bag. I just have to help him in this place sometimes. No deal breaker.
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