I guess I'm a bit of a bag snob. I've had many of these over the years and few have even come close to this bag. The size information on the website is incorrect. This bag is 21-22L at best, if you look at the original dimensions it looks like 31-32L which is definitely NOT the case. So if you're expecting a large bag, this won't be the case. At first I almost gave it back because of this and was convinced that I needed at least 28 liters of capacity. However, once you see how it's constructed you'll realize that it's utterly genius and has actually made me realize I don't need a huge bag all the time. The design of this bag is extremely flexible, allowing you to carry a large load when needed and maintaining a smaller and more streamlined profile the rest of the time. What I can wear by default is impressive I think. Laptop Lenovo T530 (laptop compartment)2. Revain Kindle 8.9" (laptop compartment) 3. Pair of magazines (laptop compartment) 4. Cell phone on back (cell phone compartment) 5. Wireless headphones (secret pocket on front or top of laptop) 6. Wireless mouse (side pocket or laptop compartment) 6. Laptop charger (in main compartment) 7. Site to Sea packable waterproof bag (main compartment) 8. Rain paint pack (bottom compartment) 9. Tylenol and Excedrine (side pocket) 10 gloves (slip pocket in front) 11. Napkins and similar (zipped pocket in front ) 12. Umbrella (side pocket and clasp on back of belt) 13. Fleece lined rain cover (rolled up and zipped under front buckle when not needed) 14. Extra large lunch box from Target (has a carabiner) main compartment or hangs if needed on rear vertical strap 15. Various cables and phone charger in small pockets in main compartment K As you can see you can carry a lot of stuff for your size in this bag and it's amazing h flexible. Amazing as you can find a place for everything and organize things to create extra space when you need it. So, for example, if it gets hot and I don't want to wear a jacket, I can just roll it up and hang it on the front vertical strap. The hidden pocket on the front has a lip that keeps it in place, while a strap keeps it securely in place. If I need to carry something large as an extra item in the main compartment, I can use a carabiner to attach my lunch box to the same strap to free up space in the main compartment to carry something large (say, some items for work). ) and then once. he's here and I can unload him, he can go back to the main compartment. This is really huge because I've found that I very rarely need a very large bag to travel to and from work. And I hated most big bags, especially when traveling by train. This bag lets you carry everything you need, but you don't always have to carry a huge backpack that's 50% full 80% of the time. Again an extremely flexible design. So the bag is extremely comfortable and breathable, and another fantastic feature for commuters is that the straps are held in place with a smart retention mechanism that keeps them tucked away in the strap itself, preventing them from falling off or catching on things like luggage caught porter on train. Everything feels good, the zippers are nice and smooth if a bit noisy, and I like the way the chest strap is made. Instead of the plastic running across the material of the bag, it uses the same strap material as the rest of the straps on the back and sides. This seems like a more robust design to me. Griffith's large park bags are not designed and frankly look like any other backpack and don't seem to have any special features. I consider this a real gem. I don't know anything about the durability of Case Logic bags, no lifetime guarantee, but considering seriously how well made it is I don't see how you can't use this bag for years. The question of a decent travel bag is finally settled.
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