I must confess that I had my doubts about buying clothes, shoes, and jewelry from DOLON online. I was, however, favorably surprised by the caliber of their offerings. The shoes are well-made, the fabric is strong, and the jewelry is unexpectedly good quality. The clothes fit me exactly out of the box, contrary to what I had anticipated having to do. Additionally, the shoes are both fashionable and comfortable, which is uncommon for internet shops. Even the jewelery was better than I had anticipated. The pieces I purchased were well-made and went well with my outfits, contrary to my expectations that it would be inexpensive and flimsy. I must confess that DOLON has forced me to retract my criticism of online retailers. They went above and beyond to give me high-quality products that have endured the weight of time. Even though my early judgments of DOLON may have been harsh, I still feel compelled to acknowledge his contributions. Well done, DOLON!