There were no instructions, except for a few numbers and letters on the bags and things. Organize all your items by number. It seems odd that they start at the top, but it makes sense once you put your mind to it. You should check where things are going. Like that pin for that hole? Don't take it if you don't know how to handle everything or if you don't have two people to put it together. Even if it looks finished!
Computer chair Zombie Thunder 1 gaming, upholstery: faux leather/textile, color: black-carbon
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Computer chair Zombie Thunder 1 gaming, upholstery: imitation leather/textile, color: black/red
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Cherry 29-Inch Boraam Kyoto Bar Height Swivel Stool
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Computer chair Zombie RUNNER gaming, upholstery: imitation leather, color: white/blue
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Sorbus Five-Drawer Dresser - Furniture Storage Tower For Bedroom, Hallway, Closet, And Office - Steel Frame With Wood Top And Easy-Pull Fabric Bins In Marble White With Black Finish
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Mattress Blue Sleep Hybrid 2.0, 160x200 cm, spring
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Full Dark Copper Metal Bed Frame W/Headboard & Footboard - No Box Spring Needed!
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Mattress Blue Sleep Hybrid 2.0, 80x200 cm, spring
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