Just got this for my 3.5 year old. He loves to! I like that it's simpler than some of the other suits, so more comfortable and easier to put on and take off. (This is a zip-up hooded jumpsuit only). The quality is good but I can add some elastic on the arms and legs to keep them from dangling. My son is tall and thin. Just over 40 inches tall and maybe 35 or 36 pounds. He usually wears 4T, but some of them are starting to get a little shorter. We ordered XS. There is enough space in the body for clothing or even lining under the lining, but the length barely fits. The ankles rise a little and the hood pulls a little over his face. I would probably order the next size up but it's sold out. But for our purposes (just for Halloween) this one is enough. And he loves it and doesn't seem to mind that it's a little shorter.
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