It’s definitely worth taking, for experience, understanding the picture and understanding your requirements in general. It does not outperform a fifty-kopeck picture, but it is convenient when shooting indoors. Different pros: After the 18-55 whale and the Yangnow 35 and 50mm fixes, the picture quality is completely different. Lightweight, metal mount. Working aperture from 2.2, but you need to try and the appropriate conditions. Confident autofocus operation, no need to adjust it, unlike at least the same Sigma. Cons: The price is too high for a simple class. Competitors in the price range, in terms of dd and color rendering, are much more interesting. Bokeh is too puffy. Sharpness is only in ideal conditions, otherwise it loses even to a whale 18-55 AF-P with the stub turned off. Focus across the entire field of the frame is relevant in the aperture range of 5.6-8, then soap is soapy, although for many this is the norm.