I did a lot of thinking when I bought this product. The quality, the packaging and the way it was put together is great. I bought it to take micro shots for school. My son needed it for his project and of course I liked it best. The double flash comes with all necessary accessories. Multiple lens sizes and all. The flash itself can be adjusted according to the desired flash output. The synchronous transmitter has a built-in LED light and a double flash. I love that I can light up small things when I press the shutter button. The double flash can be detached in less than 2 seconds. The graphic display helps you set up your flash in less than 15 seconds. It is very comfortable. Please a few sample shots I made with Meike Twin Flash. I would highly recommend it to anyone involved in photography, whether amateur or professional. Try it, you won't be disappointed. I highly recommend it. Note. The seller or Mike did not pay me for this review. I wrote this because I love the products and the results they gave me.