Going from size 185 to 195 slightly raised the car by 7 mm, which was a pleasant surprise. Since the tire in general has increased in diameter and has become 14 mm larger, we divide in half, we get the coveted 7 mm. As the tire configurator shows, this increase slightly changed the speedometer reading, lowering the actual speed When the speedometer reads 100 km/h, the actual speed is 102.3 km/h (2.3% more) The wheel is 5 mm (0.2') closer to the suspension and brake system parts . Suitable for most vehicles. Closer to the wheel arch by 7 mm. Acceptable for most vehicles. For those who are worried that this wheel will touch or short arches or lockers, fender liner, mudguards! Nothing shorkaet does not touch the mud does not score in general, complete order with this! Comfort is much better with taller tires! Irregularities are moving more confidently, which has a certain plus. The official Hyndai dealer who serviced the car did not say anything about changing the tire dimension (he did not make any special notes or complaints)! The car is driven mostly at no more than 60 km/h on a 100 km/h highway quietly within the rules (although a tire with a V index is rated up to 240 km/h) Gumnho's native speed index is H which corresponds to a speed of 210 km/h Since such a thing, we decided that the tire is stronger than the standard one and breaks. I also wanted to pay attention to the index 91 before V - 91 is the load capacity of the tire. The load capacity of a tire with an index of 91 = 615 kg, which is significantly higher than that of the native Gumnho tire = 88, which is 560 kg, which gives an advantage of 55 kg tire Yokohama Bluearth ES32. Tire rulitsya well test round the elk passed steers steers and steers again and steers well! Tire strong increased durability. 10+ recommend to everyone!