This is a really good walkie talkie for younger children. Our 7 year old granddaughter mentioned that she would like to use a walkie talkie so it was ordered for her. After receiving the walkie-talkie, I charged both devices until the batteries were fully charged. It took about 45-60 minutes. I used a USB plug and plugged them into an outlet. It could also be charged by connecting the USB port to a laptop. After reading the instructions (the print is very small and I have 20/20 eyesight), I turned on the devices and gave one to my wife. At first I wasn't sure how long to hold the power button. The first time, I held the button down for about 2 seconds and the device wouldn't turn on. But after the second hold for 3 seconds, the device turned on. I don't know how easy it will be for our granddaughter, but hopefully not too difficult. Otherwise, she'll need one of us to turn the device on. The product description states that the devices have "clear, consistent sound quality". I found the sound from the speakers to be quite "tinny" and a bit "cheeky". For adults, this can be a problem. However, this may not cause irritation in a 7-year-old girl or boy. The device has a VOX function and it works as it should. This allowed us to operate the devices hands-free. My only question is whether this feature drains the batteries faster than just pressing a button. Squads also carry a flashlight for use at night. However, calling it a "flashlight" would be an exaggeration in my opinion. This is a very small flashlight with a "handle" that doesn't emit much light. The product description also states that the devices have a "range of 3 miles". didn't test this feature as we don't plan on having that much separation BELOW: we like these walkie talkies as a starter kit for kids restrictions as above, i would order them again.
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