I like that you can draw shapes in different colors over pictures or images (for example red lines around text).
You cannot save your work as it's always saved with someone else who has access so be sure yoou're comfortable before using this software! It takes some time getting used too but once familiarized there are no problems what-so ever when working witn other users of mark up tools such us Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop etc..It may seem expensive at first compared t oother free alternatives out their however; after trying few more times we realized how much faster things go along here than if not having MarkUp Tools available - saving hours per day spent creating documents internally.- The most important thing about any office collaboration application:- speed!! Using media marksuptools saves me countless minutes each week due do repetitive tasks which would otherwise need weeks worths days doing manually via emailing colleagues my self!I highly recommend them because they have been extremely helpful since starting.