So if you're like me the internet is a great place but sometimes I don't get the exact information I need. Before ordering this I wasn't sure if this was the nib I needed. On the parts diagrams I found all main springs mentioned or something common to all main return springs but they are different. In my case all I had was 1/2 of a broken spring so I wasn't sure if that was right. This spring fits right in, although it was a little harder to install than I expected. I will update more when I try to use the mower. But we can assume that this is the correct spring for tensioning the drive belt. There is a spring that pulls on the pulley to engage the transmission. I also ordered a replacement drive belt, but after seeing how difficult it is to install (before I installed the belt) I'm thinking I'll skip installing the belt for now (maybe this winter when I don't need the mower). I will add a photo soon.