I've been considering buying this bag for about a year. The cost is a bit high. I was looking for a bag for my GoPros and accessories that I can quickly grab and take with me. This bag fits really well. It's well made and just as durable as my other Maxpedition gear (two bags and a couple of bags). It's good for grabbing a quick grab and walking out the door. We vacationed in San Francisco and Hawaii and this bag was perfect for that trip. The only downside is that no one else wears a "reverse" bag, worn on the left shoulder. While this frees up your range of motion with your right arm, it also puts stress on your right shoulder. It would be better for me if he was on my left, but it doesn't bother me. The design requires a slight adjustment to the way you pack your bag. Most backpacks are filled from the bottom up. This shoulder bag is best loaded from the bottom corner and up to the side which is on top as you bring the bag to the front of your body. It's also not a good idea to stress the front flap, as it will cause it to sag and make things behind it easier to see (not to mention the extra stress on the top buckle). The front flap is great for a jacket or rain poncho, and the pockets are great for frequently used items. They should have added zippers to the pockets instead of a single velcro. The pockets at the bottom of the belt (near the waist) don't hold much but are a great place for your keys. Too small for a cell phone. The side pocket opposite the water bottle holder is GREAT for storing camera poles. The handle at the top of the bag is functional, but I wouldn't walk around holding it by the handle. It's just a handy handle to lift the bag up or take it out of the trunk/back seat. It's too bulky to use as carry-on under the front seat, but it's fine to stow overhead. Too bad Maxpedition is discontinuing this bag (and all previous types) in favor of their new design. In any case, the price of the Revain was significantly lower than the price of the Maxpedition ($119 vs. $172), which is often the case. Overall I am happy with my purchase and would recommend it to friends if they understand what they are getting. . Many of the people who have spoken negatively about this bag seem to have fallen in love with the image but never really thought about how they would use it in detail before shelling out big bucks.
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