Just received this item. Just arrived, so I can't say much about the durability. I can't say much about the durability, but the durability is there. This tote bag seems great for travel. (I still haven't traveled with it since it just arrived) I've found that this carrying case can hold a total of 6 joycons (with straps for each), 1 pro controller, 1 charger, and 1 docking station. (with little room for more) Everything seems to fit quite snugly. A switch with joycons will do. However, if you have button covers on your joysticks, they move the joysticks up when you use the switch. I found enough room for my button covers by slowly sliding them into place. The game holder seems to be mostly good. Some games need a little more pressure to get in. Some people may be concerned about this; I find it ok. The strap seemed a bit small to me, so I didn't hook it up to use it. Overall a good tote/travel bag with a few blemishes here and there. (In my opinion)