I got this as a birthday present for my almost 2 year old granddaughter. She saw the package when it was delivered so she received it a few days early so we could check. It is very easy to assemble/disassemble, no tools are required, it is very strong and stable. I could sit on the table without feeling unsafe. The chairs may not be able to support my weight but they are good quality. (Note that when you attach the chair's back and rear legs to the chair's seat, you'll have to wiggle it a bit to make sure they're connected properly; after that, they'll be very strong.) I like the round indentation in the middle of the table . Although designed to store LEGO/DUPLO bricks, I was pleased to find that it can also hold paint and water cans to create works of art. The lid on the table makes it a great spot for a dollhouse tea party or for crayoning or snacking. Although the packaging states that there are small parts that make this set dangerous for children under the age of 3, this claim is complete nonsense. The smallest details are the chair legs, which are as long as my (adult) forearm and as wide as the width of the circle in the thumb and forefinger OK sign. If this was used for LEGO bricks, well, some LEGO bricks are too small for kids under 3, but that's why kids under 3 get DUPLO bricks instead. (DUPLO is LEGO for little ones.) This set contains no bricks, so no danger. My other granddaughter (now 20 months old) is getting this for her birthday!
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