Let's see how long I can stand the ever-increasing fan noise. I'll also look at their rearrangement and see if it makes a difference. I have air blowing from the top instead of pushing down into the computer. I think the heat is rising and I'm helping, but blowing straight onto the detail might be better. Let's see if that calms her down too. They're a lot of fun to look at and play with a controller, except I'm not impressed. I went this route because I hit a colorless fan and one of the blades broke. It was just as important as the unpainted one. The problem with these fans is that the parts are very cheap. Connecting the fans to power was a nightmare. I am a professional computer assembler and have a computer repair company with over 30 years experience and it was a tight decision between plugging in the power and electrocuting myself or the motherboard! TURN OFF WHEN SETTING UP! Then the headers don't quite fit. Check carefully for tightness. Once you've plugged it into the socket, good luck trying to get it out if you didn't plan the configuration in advance.