I like how easy it is for me as an online shopper, that can't travel very often or buy in person at stores nearby my house (like Target), ShopRank allows you access all products offered by other ecommerce websites from one place! This also helps with saving money because now i don’t have drive miles just so see what's available near where ever location we are traveling too/from during vacation time!! It would be nice if they could provide more information about each product which makes them hard sometimes when deciding whether its worth buying since there isn;'e much detail out their website but only images provided..
Maybe this will change someday? As far shopping goes everything has been great no problems encountered yet. I like that you can search by industry, product category or even keyword in order for it give me better results which is very important because sometimes when i'm searching from google products shows nothing but if this tool will show some result then only its good otherwise bad! so far everything works well just need more data about specific topics maybe something we could add as new feature would be great!! keep working hard guys thanks alot hope everyone uses ShopRank soon.