The unit is small but sturdy and mine came with a handle (it came in a separate plastic bag). Now for the bad. The unit I received has the reflective sheeting inside loose in the middle so it looks like only the ends are taped. Because of this, the film sticks out and the reflection is uneven. I also noticed that the car warms up pretty quickly, which is great. However, there doesn't seem to be a way to set the temperature. It simply heats up to 172 degrees Fahrenheit (nearly 78 degrees Celsius) and then turns off the heat until it hits 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60 degrees Celsius). Once it reaches 60Β°C, it returns to 78Β°C and repeats the process of turning off the heater. I watched it for 15 minutes and it never went above 78C or below 60C so at least it lives up to that. The last thing I want to mention is the lack of a manual that describes everything on the LCD. At the top is "LT: (number)" and "BT: (number)" which are not listed anywhere. I think I get what they mean, but who knows. So for now I'm giving this machine three stars based on price, how quickly I received it and how durable it is. I need to cure some of the resin parts to get the final result. Depending on what happens I will raise or lower the stars in the next update.
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