Right out of the box, one of the posts failed to hold the side anchor. I thought maybe the retaining clip was broken, but it wasn't. Mechanically inclined, I've tried squeezing the clamp harder, but it just isn't enough to get a good grip on the car's anchor ball. I have attached a stock photo to the insert using standard clips. A week later, the second column also spontaneously began to move away from the car (also with the latch fully intact). In practice this means that the nubs sometimes pop out when the window is opened, allowing the window to only open about halfway before the nubs pop out (often hitting the window) and the window is free to fall on or in the head of a person. car metal. On the other hand, after physically placing the struts back on the retaining anchor and closing the window, one or both struts pops out and forcibly extends into the glass from within the closed window. I'm just lucky my rear window hasn't smashed in yet. I would NOT recommend this product.