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Chad, Abuja
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Review on Roobies(Redbush) Tea by Annah John

Revainrating 4 out of 5

A natural tea with healthy ingredients.

Redbush is one of the best taken teas in Africa especially in south Africa as the are taken as a Substitute for the Black and Green tea. The tea is really filled with delicious and healthy beverages. The more you test the better it becomes serving as the most tasty and colorful tea to digest. This teas becomes necessary when it comes to all gender, the mode of taking this tea differs just in similar way. Excessive of roobies can only have negative effect when done constantly. These Teas are reserved for the last because it is the Best test but any ways the can be made with or without Sugar coupled with some health benefits that the have in it. The items of which the are made from makes it a Protective measure for Cancer, stroke and other Cardio Vascular diseases that can lead to loss of Life. Many people regard these Teas as a medication even if it is not a medicine or some sort of piles. Thank for the Advice Often given don't abuse it for any reason. Antioxidants is one ingredient from which the are made with which settles most of the Health issues ever sensed.

Updated 2 years ago
Rating has not been changed

A Simple reminder for those who make online order of the Ingredients to prepare it themselves, the Roobies can also been seen with the name Redbush tea as the all serve the same importance. Others make the tea using freshly collected leaves from a shrub to prepare it so it no bush ordinary but the have just the Needed contents to influence the Human cells. Rooibos is a herbal tea and is not related to green or black tea. Naturally this teas aren't Red but it comes fermenting the leaves during Preparation to make it colorful to a Red- brown Color. The Color is attractive, almost felt like I was putting on a dress with it. Importantly, It tends to be more expensive and grassier in flavor than the traditional version of the tea. The Taste is always a new difference.

  • Contains costly ingredients to cure Cancer and stroke.
  • Available for every Age but with different dose
  • Pleasing color which comes from fermentation of the leaves
  • The are costly than some other teas