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In most cases, you can just download in the mobi format with no additional conversions required. My recommendation, after some tambourine dancing, is the following if you have your own crookedly formatted epub or fb2 (for example, without indents and with meter intervals between paragraphs): Format and remove extra spaces from your book without spending a dime by downloading the free Caliber formatter. - Input/Output Profile SetupFormat for Kindle Paperwhite 3 Discharge mobi or azv3 It's…

  • The physical book is pleasant to hold, the user interface is intuitive, and all features function ingeniously (before, there was a digma R656, on which you can open a file or alter the font size; this is a wait of ten years). The turning of the pages is nearly undetectable. Finds favor in the dictionary; prodding the word brings up definitions. At low intensities, the illumination is not harsh on the eyes. This book can be used as a lantern when held aloft. At 300ppi, the letters are incredibly smooth; whether or whether that comes across in the shot is another matter.
  • Strange behavior can be expected with this email function. The slick screen readily absorbs footprints, so microfiber cleaning socks are recommended. The body is significantly more problematic because fingerprints and other marks appear as white specks without a case.

Revainrating 4 out of 5

I am completely satisfied, item complies with description.

The mobi format is generally trouble-free, and you may usually download immediately in it. However, after tambourine dancing, here is my recommendation if you have your own epub or fb2 with incorrect formatting (for example, without indents and with meter intervals between paragraphs): - Free download Caliber and fill the book, alter, decorate, and erase paragraph spaces. - output profile setup pageoutput format for the Kindle Paperwhite 3 mobi or azv3 It supports custom fonts better than azv3.

  • The book feels comfortable in your hands, the user interface is easy to use, and everything functions well (this is 10 years after the introduction of the Digma R656 which allowed you to open files and alter the font size). There are practically imperceptible page flips. Upon poking the word, a dictionary that opens. pleases. The backlight is comfortable and doesn't cause eye fatigue at low levels. The book transforms into a lamp at height. I'm not sure if it can be seen in the shot, but the letters are really smooth at 300ppi.
  • The way the mail feature operates is very peculiar. The smooth screen readily absorbs fingerprints, thus you must carry microfiber. It is better to put on a case since the body is even worse because the prints on it resemble white spots.

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Not a bad product, quite normal quality.

In most cases, you can just download in the mobi format with no additional conversions required. However, here is my recommendation after tambourine dancing if you have your own epub or fb2 with skewed formatting (such as without indents and with meter intervals between paragraphs): Fill in the blanks, make changes to the formatting and design, and get rid of the extra white space in your book by downloading the free version of Caliber now. - Output Profile & Configuration PageFormat for Kindle

  • The physical book is pleasant to hold, the user interface is intuitive, and all features function ingeniously (before, there was a digma R656, on which you can open a file or alter the font size; this is a wait of 10 years). Subtle page turns take place. Appetites the dictionary, which springs open at the slightest prodding. At low intensities, the illumination is not harsh on the eyes. This book can be used as a lantern when held aloft. At 300ppi, the lettering look quite smooth, but I'm not sure if that comes out in the shot.
  • There's an odd quirk to how this feature functions with email. The slick screen readily absorbs footprints, so microfiber cleaning socks are recommended. The body is considerably worse because fingerprints show up as white patches; using a case is recommended.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Matches the description completely, very satisfied.

There were onyxes and pocketbooks, and both had their advantages and disadvantages. Clearly, Kindle is the most superior reader I've ever used. Both the construction and the components are flawless. The sensor's output is consistent with expectations. It's possible that it won't react when you turn the page, but it won't happen often. The backlight can be disabled entirely. The screen is fine; I wouldn't call it pure white, but it doesn't strain my eyes and, with the backlight on, it's…

  • Superb construction Excellent program Anti-moisture shielding
  • Deleted buttons Move "Forward" or "Back"

Revainrating 5 out of 5

The perfect product for any user!

First, the book is most enjoyable to use in either a well-lit or dark environment. Although the eyes tire less when reading in the dark with a backlight, doing so has the same unsatisfying experience as reading on a phone. As an ancillary feature, the lighting here is useful in low-light settings (though I wouldn't advise reading in total darkness). Second, keep in mind that if you decide to get a cover, you will find it more difficult and less pleasurable to read when lying in bed with only…

  • After reading the book on my phone for a while, I decided to treat myself to an e-reader so that I could give my eyes a break and have a little different reading experience thanks to the usage of electronic ink. I had my heart set on a PocketBook at first, but after reading numerous complaints regarding the fragility of the screen when exposed to wind, I decided to go with a Kindle instead. 1. Extremely luxurious feel, like a velvet case or a high-quality screen. 2. Extremely lightweight, making it a breeze to carry about. Third, I have a lot of freedom to do what I want, and I didn't even realize it. I can't see it any other way; I know I wouldn't like it if there were buttons that stuck out. Since this is my first book, gauging success is difficult, but I couldn't be happier with how things have gone so far.
  • While I used to find the book's inability to be read in any format other than mobi to be a drawback, I've now learned to format books from fb2 to mobi using the excellent *freeLib* application. This is not a commercial, and the software can be downloaded at no cost. I experience no difficulties while transferring books from a computer because doing so is as simple as sending them in the mail.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

The price/quality ratio is great, I will buy again.

I think you should have it. I used to be an avid paper book reader, but now I can't stop myself from bringing this reader with me wherever I go.

  • Easy to grip; brilliant screen may be adjusted for any lighting; convenience; books may be transferred from a computer to a Kindle at the push of a button via Bluetooth.
  • -

Revainrating 5 out of 5

A good quality product, I rate this purchase perfectly.

When I was transferring files to a book, I anticipated there would be some sort of dance with a tambourine, but everything turned out to be really straightforward. In addition, there is an application on the phone that may be used in place of the wire if the user does not wish to bother with it. Deliver to the Kindle. They disabled advertisements without charging a fee and provided excellent customer service that was prompt and attentive. Because of the sanctions, I am still unable to pay…

  • Because of the dictionary, reading in English is a lot less of a hassle than it used to be. The eyes do not become nearly as fatigued as they do when using a laptop or tablet. - Feels good to the touch. -The books in the library can be organized into different collections if desired. -ated by means of Wi-Fi. -Simply download the books in mobi or pdf format, and everything will be simple.
  • The power button makes a sound, however it is not essential.

I advise buying! I used to be a staunch believer of only reading paper books, but I can't help but keep this reader with me at all times.

  • Lightweight; nice to grasp in the hand; adjustable display brightness; simplicity of use; one-click Bluetooth book transfer from a computer to a Kindle
  • -

There are no issues with the Mobi format in general, and you should be able to download content directly in that format. But if you have your own epub or fb2 with crooked formatting (for example, without indents and with meter intervals between paragraphs), then the following is some advice I have for you after dancing with tambourines: Download Caliber for free to fill books, change them, decorate them, lay them out, and erase the spaces between paragraphs. - setup page\output profile\The…

  • It is enjoyable to hold the book, the interface is very user-friendly, and everything functions in an efficient manner (before, there was a digma R656, on which you could open a file or change the font size; this has been a wait of ten years). There is a nearly imperceptible turning of the pages. satisfies the dictionary, which will open up if you only prod the word with your finger. The backlight is comfortable, and even at low levels, it does not cause discomfort to the eyes. When raised to a high position, the book transforms into a lantern. At a resolution of 300 ppi, the letters have a very smooth appearance. I'm not sure how obvious this is in the shot.
  • The functionality of the feature with mail operates in an unusual way. The smooth screen accumulates fingerprints extremely willingly, thus you will need to walk with a microfiber cloth. It is best to put on a case because the body is even worse in this regard; the prints on it look like white spots.

I think you should go ahead and make the purchase. Despite my previous preference for paper books only, I find myself always bringing along this reader.

  • Display brightness may be changed to suit the ambient lighting; portability; user-friendliness, as in, a single click can send a book from a computer to a Kindle that's equipped with Bluetooth.
  • -

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Valuable purchase, nothing but pluses!

1. Reading the book in a well-lit environment or without backlight gives you great joy. While reading in the dark with a backlight is less tiring on the eyes, it is not as enjoyable as reading on a phone. In other words, the backlight serves more of an auxiliary function here, but it is still significant in low light (though I do not advise reading in utter darkness). 2. Please be aware that holding a book in one hand while lying on the bed will be more difficult and unpleasant after purchasing

  • I bought my first e-book after reading it on my phone previously because I wanted to give my eyes a break and have a somewhat different reading experience due to the use of electronic ink. I originally wanted a PocketBook, but I ultimately decided on a Kindle after reading numerous negative reports about the device's screens breaking in the wind. 1. Exceptionally delightful physical experiences, such as a velvet cover or a beautiful screen. 2. Extremely lightweight, making it easy to grip onto weight. 3. High autonomy - I didn't realize I had it, but I do. 4. Smooth surface; no buttons that stick out; I can't even picture it being any other way; I surely wouldn't like it if it had buttons. Since this is my first book, it's difficult for me to evaluate performance, but I'm also satisfied with everything.
  • The fact that a book can only be read in mobi format (although you can read it in pdf if you choose) was a drawback for me before I discovered a good software for formatting books from fb2 to mobi. However, after discovering the *freeLib* application, this drawback is now a thing of the past for me. This is not advertising; you can get the program for free. Additionally, I have no problems moving books from a computer because doing it by mail is incredibly simple.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

A great option for this money, I definitely recommend it!

I urge you to make the purchase! My preference has always been for paper books, but now that I have this reader, I find that I can't tear myself away from it and I take it with me everywhere.

  • The display's brightness may be adjusted to suit any environment, and the device itself is comfortable to carry. user-friendliness, including the ability to wirelessly download books from a computer to a Kindle with only the press of a button
  • -

Revainrating 5 out of 5

I didn't expect the quality to be so high.

Books can be sent from a phone (open in Adobe Reader, then send through email to Kindle). Your phone's Kindle app includes a built-in reading log that allows you to keep track of your progress. The log is only available in English, just like the app itself. In general, I'm pleased with the book. Got advantages: You may read books for a long time without experiencing eye problems because to the comfortable case, attractive screen, and ergonomic design. Several drawbacks There are only a few…

1. Reading the book in a well-lit environment or without the assistance of a backlight brings the greatest satisfaction. Reading in the dark with a backlight is similar to reading on a phone; it does not provide the same level of enjoyment, but the eyes tire less quickly. That is to say, the backlight in this instance functions more as an auxiliary component, which is nonetheless essential when the amount of available light is limited (although I would not recommend reading in total darkness)…

  • I decided to make my first purchase of an electronic book because, although I had previously read the book on my smartphone, I wanted to give my eyes a break and try something new when it came to reading because electronic books employ electronic ink. Initially, I was interested in purchasing a PocketBook; but, after reading a lot of negative reviews about the PocketBook, namely regarding its displays breaking when exposed to wind, I decided to purchase a Kindle instead. 1. Tactile sensations that are extremely, extremely pleasurable, such as a velvet case or a good screen. 2. Despite its light weight, it can be carried around with ease due to its easy grip. 3. A high degree of autonomy; I am self-sufficient; I did not realize it, but I have more than enough. 4. It has a smooth surface, and there are no buttons that stick out; I can't even fathom it any other way, and I know I wouldn't like it if there were buttons. Since this is my first book, evaluating performance is challenging for me, but other than that, I couldn't be happier with how everything turned out.
  • The fact that the book can only be read in mobi was a problem for me before I discovered a good program for formatting books from fb2 to mobi. (You can also read the book in pdf if you like, but the font is quite small.) Now that I've discovered the freeLib application, this disadvantage is no longer an issue for me. This is not advertising, and downloading the program is completely free. I am not inconvenienced in any way by the process of transferring books from a computer because I use the mail for this, which makes the process extremely simple.

The Mobi format is completely reliable, and direct downloads are frequently possible. My recommendation, after some tambourine dancing, is the following if you have your own crookedly formatted epub or fb2 (for example, without indents and with meter intervals between paragraphs): Fill in the blanks, make edits, add flourishes, rearrange the pages, and get rid of the white space with the free download of Caliber. - Output Profile & Configuration PagePaperwhite 3 output format for the Kindle MP3

  • It's pleasant to have the book in your hands, the menus are well laid out, and everything operates smoothly (before, there was a digma R656, on which you could open a file or adjust the font size; this is a 10-year wait). It's nearly undetectable as the pages turn. Gets you what you want when you stick it into the dictionary. At low intensities, the illumination is not harsh on the eyes. The book becomes a light source when held aloft. At 300ppi, the lettering look quite smooth, but I'm not sure if that comes out in the shot.
  • The email function is implemented in an unusual way. Because fingerprints stick so readily to the smooth screen, microfiber cleaning socks are a must. The body is considerably worse; the prints on it are barely discernible as white specks; protecting it with a case is recommended.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

High-quality product, the price corresponds to the quality.

I bought it for my wife to gradually start getting rid of her paper library. I don't want to carry these tons of books the next time I move.

  • Comfortable and lightweight. Just send books bought on Litres. Amazon books naturally appear almost instantly on the device. And you can still turn off ads by simply asking Amazon tech support 😁

Revainrating 5 out of 5

I didnt expect the quality to be so high.

Has pros: nothing extra. comfortable lighting. advertising did not turn off. basically no problem. Has some cons decent weight. after the digma at the beginning it seemed difficult.

Holds a charge for a long time. On average, I read for an hour and a half with backlight (level 3-5) according to my mood, I haven’t charged it for two weeks since the purchase. The resolution is good, I rarely read PDF, but I tried it and there were no particular problems with the scale. I chose between a pocketbook in this price category. In the end, I decided to take this one and did not regret it. Lots of ways to drop books. I download to my phone in any format and send a bot to a book via…

  • Easy The backlight does not irritate in complete darkness Fairly nimble
  • Limited formats No flash card slot