ACTvisitor is an online visitor management system that updates in real-time and can be used across time zones, locations and devices, and ensures compliance with health and safety regulations.
The best part of this software was its ability to track visitors at any location or office where it has been installed. It also helped us keep up with our required number of visits for each facility we have. This software allowed me to easily manage my staff's schedule so they could do their job better than before.
I would recommend this product because it helps you save money by tracking your employees' activities as well as helping them be more productive. As long as there are no major…
Easy way organize everything about business visitations such like visitor names , appointments etc
This program allows us to keep track of our visitors at all times so we know who's coming into our facility as well as how long they stay here! I am able to see my reports within minutes after logging them instead of hours or days later like other programs allow me too do this now without having access to their servers!! We have been using it for over 3 years & no issues yet. If you're looking just get started immediately because once your set up there are not many things about it which could…
I like the program's ease of access and the reports are so well done
This program allows me to do so many things I could not do as I could here
I like how easy it was to set up my account once i got all of our information from other companies we use for different things (ie - website). There are some features you need more training or knowledge about before using them but overall this program has been very helpful! It lets us keep track not only who visits each page/link within out site as well when they visit what pages so far away etc.. The benefits have really helped me understand where people click most often which helps guide…
I like how easy it was to set up my account once i got all of our information from other companies we use for different things (ie website)
I only have a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very
I like how easy it was to set up my website for visitors from other countries without having to do any work myself! The only thing i dislike about actvisitior is not being able to see who visited your site after they have left or been blocked by the cookie rules of their country's law enforcement agencies - but this isn't something you would know until you've setup the account so no complaints here :) Great software if you're looking into international websites/websites as there are many…
Very user friendly interface with lots features available within minutes once registered at least in our case