Description of Automation Hero
We believe the fastest path to smart automation is an end-to-end and agile platform that takes an iterative and incorporative approach of new information and workflows. To truly accelerate business processes and achieve maximum ROI, the automation journey needs to advance beyond just a collection of tools that solve specific problems and on a wider spectrum of business functions and knowledge work.
Our platform natively combines AI, iBPMS, ingestion engines, process mining, decision modeling, RPA, iPAAS, analytics and UX. But even more important, is that all of this technology is easily accessible through a no-code environment to help democratize access to advanced technology.
Lastly, we deliver these automations both attended and unattended but our attended automation is delivered via a customizable personal automation assistant. The goal is twofold: provide a human feedback loop for continuous AI improvement and help alleviate the fear often invoked by AI by emphasizing augmenting, not replacing the human worker.