- I liked the sliding lining, the quality in general, the clasps on the legs, the adjustment. And in general, having tried on a lot of overalls - in terms of quality it is still one of the best. It looks good, the colors are restrained (which was extremely difficult to find, apparently it is believed that everyone wants to dress dogs in colorful flowers a la a grandmother's dressing gown.) Not so warm as it seemed from the name - this is a plus for me. You can always keep warm by wearing a down jacket inside. There are adjustments, including even on the back - that is, you can take the dog for a small outgrowth.
- Despite the wide range of sizes, it is difficult for slender dogs to pick up. Although there are many breeds. I also reduce the score for the fact that the model is made only for males - females have an unreasonably bare tummy. I saw one manufacturer (twice cheaper and moreover) made a patch on the belly, which in the case of a male is very easy to remove - rip off, and for girls - leave accordingly - this is really a unisex solution. And the option with a bare belly is an option for a male, not unisex. Nevertheless, I decided to leave the overalls anyway, because this is the best I have found so far. And I'll sew a patch on the belly myself. There are also no plastic clips for adjusting the elastic bands - that is, you just need to tie it somehow handicraft. Well, maybe they did it so that it "does not interfere" with the dog, ok.