White/Black Janome DC 603 Sewing Machine Review
Very good

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Description of White/Black Janome DC 603 Sewing Machine
- When I bought, read reviews, many complained that the coil flies out, as it is tilted. In the kit for the machine there is a contraption that holds the coil. Without her, she, of course, flies out. Overall, it sews well.
- I did not notice
- Lightweight, compact, many types of lines, there is a display
- Didn't find
- Quiet, comfortable, has everything, all the necessary functions are there.
- Noise, vibration.
- Multifunctional, takes any fabric from silk to leather (tried everything). Easy to use, grandmother figured out in 1 day after the old manual typewriter. Takes up little space and is almost silent.
- Not found
- Good reliable machine for home use. Many programs, cope with different types of fabrics.
- It can be capricious to threads and needles (with the right approach, there are no problems). In thick areas, ties can skip (in such areas, I just manually twist the flywheel and everything is perfectly stitched).