Description of THINKWORK Outdoor Gear Survival Fishing
COMPOSITION & SPECIAL FEATURES - Survival kit includes fishing tools, 2 in1 saw, window breaker, fire opener, umbrella rope, compass, high-decibel whistle and fishing function. You can even enjoy the fun of outdoor camping, and it can be protected in an emergency. Protect yourself from harm. POWERFUL DURABILITY & ADAPTABILITY - The body of the emergency survival kit is made of aluminum alloy, which has good oxidation resistance. All parts of the same thread can be deployed freely. CREATIVE GIFT - Anyone needs a special portable gadget to protect the equipment that survives an accident. This is a gift you can trust, and a cool gift for your son, father or boyfriend. It can be kept in the car and is an absolute car safety tool. CLOSELY ARRANGED - Small enough to fit in your backpack, suitcase, pocket or waist, every part is neatly organized, which will definitely help your travel. THINKWORK GUARANTEE SERVICE - We provide satisfactory and reliable customer service. If the product is lost or damaged, please contact us immediately, we promise to give you a satisfactory.