UltraTime Enterprise is the core engine for the system, providing it with the menuing structure, authentication, data processing and reporting capabilities.
The best thing about this software has to be its ease of use which makes training new users very simple.
It also allows multiple administrators access at once so we can have more control over our employees' computers in general.
Sometimes I wish there was an option where you could set up your own passwords instead of using autorun or creating profiles but that's not something they are able to do right now. We were looking into other programs before trying out ultra time enterprise because we…
Can run off USB drive easily enough making setup much easier than previous version requiring CD installation only.
The ease of use of this software made our jobs much easier to process orders quickly as well as being able to add more products in less time then other programs we have used before.
I would like that there were better reports generated but i believe they are working hard at improving them or creating new ones so perhaps you will see something soon about improvements! If your looking into purchasing one program do yourself (and everyone around) benefit by using ultratime enterprise. It has…
The ability to create quotes and invoices and the ability to create new sales documents and print them out