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i used coinomi since 2016 and i almost never get any trouble when i using this coin. the coin is friendly because it's easy to create a wallet there. when you wanna create a wallet, you must safe a 12 pk word to make your wallet safety. and this is good for safe your investment. there are a lot of crypto listed there, like btc, ltc, doge, eth and many more. and the fee of sending coin is not too much for some crypto. ex : doge, you only need one doge to send to another wallet. and coinomi is 'noSee full review

trust wallet logo

good for newbies

Revainrating 4 out of 5

i like trustwallet. it's friendly use for people who wanna start in crypto world. the refferal program is good. you can buy crypto using your card, and this so amazing. many coins like btc, ltc, doge, etc exist there. not up there, you can put your erc-20 token, erc-721 token and bep-2 there. and this twt have a community on telegram, you can discuss everything. and trustwallet have a collab with binance who have a one of biggest crypto market in the world until now, so your investments will beSee full review

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kaori mizuyamam.

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life is like an anime sad ending

Joined in April 28, 2020