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Crypto.com is the biggest scam. When you buy a coin on their exchange expect to pay a lot more then what other exchanges offer. The real bad part is when you sell your coin on their exchange to your fiat wallet you better expect a sale price 10-20% lower then the current market. I can't believe they are still in business and if you don't believe me give it a try go buy any coin listed on crypto.com and then immediately sell it, just be prepared to loose money. STAY AWAY FROM THEM, there are so mSee full review

crypto.com logo

When you purchase a coin through crypto.com you pay a little more then the other markets are showing which is not that big of a deal. When you go to sell your coin they will give you A LOT less then the current market that they are showing. You don't have to read their response, you can see it for yourself. Go buy a coin through crypto.com and then see what they are showing your current account balance is and what your coin is worth (all good), then go sell it and see what they give you on the sSee full review

joe way photo

joe wayw.

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Joined in August 15, 2021