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bhex token logo

The trading platform BHEX has a strong and leading presence in the crypto currencies world, being invested by several first class institutions. It offers a wide range of services and products, eagerly competing with most well-known trading platforms. What I particularly enjoyed is the return on investment I could earn from purchasing the BHEX token ant the time of launch: an average of 90% itโ€™s definitely a great return that brings satisfying results. BHEX token keeps nice standards over all iSee full review

comparetransfer logo

In a world where people are so mobile, interact with different countries and make exchanges with diverse currencies, it is imperative to have an efficient service helping making transfer all around the world. Adding crypto to the tier, the scope of CompareTransfer appears to be interesting and unbeatable. I personally need this type of service, since I work for people coming from foreign countries and paying in their own currencies. At the end of the month I need to change everything in my own cSee full review

lgbtq network foundation logo

I am always in favor to those project taking care of social matters, especially if they are aimed to support minorities, discriminated group of people or social issue impacting as all. The LGBTQ Network Foundation is a brilliant idea, a very interesting model on how integrating blockchain and crypto to help communities in everyday life and facing issue. In today's world we all need to stand up and speak up for everyone's rights, to make everyone feel included in our society and break down every See full review

kublaicoin logo

The project had some very interesting traits at the beginning, that is why I felt so curious and I started to follow all along its developments. Then, time started to fly by and updates from this project kept lacking, leaving unresolved issues, unfinished ideas and unsatisfied people. It appears clean by its price trend, explosive increase during the very first month of its launch, then sharply dropping to even lower than its ICO. It had been dormant for more than half a year now, so I supposed See full review

Ramona Carraretto photo

Ramona CarrarettoC.

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