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indodax exchange

Revainrating 5 out of 5

indodax exchange is an exchange for crypto currency for indonesian citizens as long as indonesian citizens cannot do that weakness in indodax, i think it would be better if they opened up for the whole world to be able to register at meraka exchange according to me personally, indodax itself early established in 2013, so that its indodax immediately exploded in Indonesia, its citizens are very enthusiastic, and don't miss it, they have a very good security system, the first thing members look foSee full review

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While Binance is a large centralised exchange, they have realized the demand from traders for decentralised exchange trading. Hence, they have recently launched their Binance DEX. For those that do not know, a decentralised exchange (DEX) is a cryptocurrency exchange that allows for peer-to-peer trading amoung participants. There is no need to send crypto to an exchange wallet and place your orders. The Binance DEX is Binanceโ€™s answer to this. It was built on top of the Binance Chain and the nSee full review

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LTC reviews

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Over time, Litecoin has managed to become one of the top 5 leading cryptocurrencies. It is often referred to as an excellent example of the potential in the cryptocurrency niche due to its unprecedented bullish trend in the period of December 2016 โ€“ December 2017. For just a year, the price of the coin jumped with more than 8200% reaching its all-time high of $360.93. Litecoin is also considered a pioneer in the industry as it was the first one among the top 5 cryptocurrencies to adopt SegWit (See full review

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khasanov khasank.

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hicking,claimbing,eating and reapect

Joined in May 29, 2020