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HitBTC is a large cryptocurrency exchange with a huge daily trade volume. It was founded in 2013 in Hong Kong although I started trading on HitBTC only in 2018. To date, I keep on exploring the good and bad sides of this exchange. In general, HitBTC is the most satisfying exchange platform that I've tried.See full review

bitfinex logo


Revainrating 4 out of 5

Bitfinex hosts around 64 cryptocurrencies and supports several fiat currencies, too. A good trading platform with high liquidity and wide range of features. I guess it's good both for small and big traders. What is not the best trait of Bitfinex is that this platform can seem quite complicated for newbies. Withdrawal fees is another serious flaw of Bitfinex. As for trading fees β€” makers are charged less than takers.See full review

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Bitcoin Private

Revainrating 3 out of 5

Bitcoin Private is a typical effort to create a quicker, better decentralized, and more private version of Bitcoin. Was this effort good enough? Not quite sure. Currently, BTCP is not looking very well. In April 2018 BTCP ranked 52d by market cap. Now its position is below 600. Looks like the short days of BTCP have gone.See full review

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Revainrating 4 out of 5

EXMO is quite alright UK-based exchange. The trading fees are not that friendly (0.2%), but the interface is quite welcoming. This exchange supports over 10 currencies (mostly the top ones). What I like is that you can deposit with credit/debit card. There are also such options as depositing with Payeer, wire transfer, Perfect Money, and others. Withdrawal fees are not that bad.See full review

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delicious spaghettis.

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Joined in July 06, 2019