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Revain updates companies rating and ranking systems

Revain updates companies rating and ranking systems

New update is here! This time we are focusing on some important things which make you trust user feedback and companies positions on Revain. We are talking about how companies’ rating is defined and how we rank them. Today we are glad to announce a major rework of and improvement to these two systems.

Due to the launch of gamification and the fundamental changes it brought to the platform, we we’ve made some changes on how rating system and ranking systems work. Below you can learn about them in detail.

What’s a company’s rating?

Company’s rating

A company’s rating is determined based on the rating of each review which was left on a company. The resulting rating is an average of ratings of all reviews but with a small twist.

Each user review also has a weight value. The larger the weight - the more a particular review impacts the overall rating. For instance, a review that rates a certain company as 3 and has a weight of 2 will impact the overall rating the same way as two reviews that rate a company as 3 and have a weight of 1.

What impacts the review weight:

  • Author experience on Revain. High level authors have reviews with more weight. By default author's weight is 1. Starting from level 6, each of your review has a default weight of 2, at level 8 that becomes 3 and at level 10 - 4.
  • Review age. The older the review, the bigger the chance that it’s outdated. The weight of a review that’s older than a month is multiplied by 0.8. If the review is 3+ month old, it’s weight is multiplied by 0.5, and, in case of reviews that were left more than a year before, the coef. is 0.2.
  • Review popularity. For each like, the weight of a review is increased by 1 %. Same goes for dislikes. Please note that only likes/dislikes of verified users are counted.

What’s a company’s rank?

Rank is a company’s index number among all companies in its respective category. If you choose any of Revain categories, you’ll see that all projects are situated in an ordered list.

Companies’ overall ranking

Each company has its score. Score is a parameter assigned to each company that reflects the level of interest of users in a particular project, exchange, wallet, card or game. The higher the score - the higher a company will appear in the companies’ overall ranking.

Base score is calculated as: CompanyRating * (lg(Number Of Reviews) + 0.01)

It’s multiplied by 1.2 if the company has a registered account that answers the reviews.

It’s also increased by 1% additively for each verified follower that a company has. For instance, a company with 10 verified followers will get its score multiplied by 1.10. and a company with 20 followers - by 1.20

Rating and ranking systems work the same way across all categories (projects, exchanges, wallets, cards, games).

So, if you think a company deserves to be higher on the list, follow it and write a review on it. Or maybe even reach out to them so that they will create an account on Revain to be able to communicate with their audience by responding to reviews.

Comments (4)

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October 23, 2020
This platform has enhance much platforms and it's reviewing methodology is unique . This helping media app lovers understand more about a platform. This project to be 8s one 9f the best and I really recommend this idea .
September 30, 2020
The Plattform, Project and Team work are excellent. Blogs topics, complete. Looks clear. The structure warps all kind of interest on Web3 world. Provides Real Info. Kindly space for share experiences of users, and earn some REV on the road. The weight of reviews are scalable on levels; Pushing and rewarding the enthusiasm. Estimulates write and research from comunity. Reinvesting Reviews, Game changer!
May 01, 2020
I really appreciate the team work. You are pushing excellence. Revain will continue to be greater with more dedication from all those involved. Is also good to think about creativity and good performance. I am very sure in the months to come, Revain will be an organisation to reckon with in the whole world. Especially as we all face the consequences of Covid-19 pandemic. At the end of it all, we will all smile as all those involved take their respective responsibility more seriously. Great Revain, great team.
April 29, 2020
good blog, with a freindly user look, I like the project done by revain, really very helpful, looking for information, and of course we are given the opportunity to be creative, express opinions, hopefully this project can last long, with news which is good, I think Revain will persevere for that, I will not doubt teamwork and of course with the support of solid members, will form a strong union with the end of the word good job, good project, good team