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Revain and DragonEx exchange join forces to launch new GIVEAWAY!

Revain and DragonEx exchange join forces to launch new GIVEAWAY!

Revain and DragonEx celebrate their partnership by launching giveaway for its users. DragonEx is a cryptocurrency exchange with more than 200,000 active users, and $45M to $75M on a daily transaction volume at the moment, continuing to grow. We are really excited to list DragonEx on Revain platform while DragonEx in turn will list Revain on its exchange.

Reward for this giveaway is 50 R

What you need to do

  1. Register an account on DragonEx.
  2. Buy at least 1 DT token on DragonEx.
  3. Write a review on DragonEx on Revain platform. Your review should be at least 300 symbols long and be defined by AI as 'Average', ‘Good’ or ‘Excellent’. The review should be fully original. If we determine that your review is copied (fully or partly) somewhere from the internet we can ban you from this giveaway.
  4. Like and retweet two tweets from Revain and DragonEx. This and this.
  5. Follow Revain official Reddit.


The giveaway will last 7 days from November 19 to November 26, 23:59 UTC time. After that, we reserve 72 hours to make rewards distribution.


You should have at least 1 DT token on your wallet address to participate in the giveaway.

One person can participate only once. If we determine that a person is participating twice we may ban him from this giveaway.

Social media accounts which you will use for this giveaway should be legit. Meaning, it should be your normal personal account. It should have your real name, your photos, information, etc. We reserve the right to ban you from the giveaway if we think your account looks suspicious.

How to receive rewards

After you complete all steps of the giveaway please fill this form.

Conditions of this giveaway are not final. Revain reserves the rights to change the terms without any additional notifications.

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