101 Blockchain provides training on enterprise blockchains, which is tutored by enterprise blockchain experts. It is an online and independent research network for designed Enterprise Blockchain Practitioners (Professionals and Enthusiasts). The motive is to educate enterprise professionals so they can become blockchain experts. They also learn the impacts and application of blockchain technologies on world economy.
During the course of learning, Blockchain digital technology is adopted for ease of understanding.
The training is available in different formats, such as videos, pdf materials, and virtual conferences organised to train people on enterprise blockchains.
What you’ll get from the training:
1. Basic concepts of enterprise blockchain
2. Links to materials and resources to research for a new and complex subjects.
3. Practical and updated skill and knowledge in blockchain to deliver better business strategies.
You get certification after completion of the course. This means that after the course, your value to your company is increased and you will be able to lead your team in a more effective manner.
There are 6 courses on 101 Blockchain and you’re entitled to one free course as a learner. For the free course, there are 5 lessons:
1. What is Blockchain Technology?
2. Terms used in Enterprise Blockchain
3. Introduction to Smart Contracts
4. Blockchain Digital Transformation
5. How Blockchain will bring Change to the World
The certified course costs over 300 USD.